Monday, August 25, 2008

Fast "Fake" Chocolate Croissants

I came upon a fabulous way to make quick and easy chocolate croissants.

A tube of refrigerated crescent rolls and chocolate chips.

How simple is that!?

My one word of advice is to use good chocolate like Ghiradelli. The better the chocolate, the fewer the chips needed.

So I'd say about 10-12 chips per croissant.

Just roll 'em up in the dough and bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes.

Fast, tasty, easy, and a bargain.

Remember your CarbBlocker :)


Anonymous said...

My wife and I had a bread pudding in New York that was made out of chocolate croissants. The kind that are soft on the inside and sticky on the outside! Man that was yummy!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds good. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate is one of my favorite foods.
Thanks for the recipe and the reminder for Carb blockers!